Con­tem­po­ra­ry Class

Con­tem­po­ra­ry Class

Express yours­elf through movement

  • Beg­in­ner
  • 60 mins

Express Yours­elf Through Movement

Con­tem­po­ra­ry dance is a style of dance that emer­ged in the 20th cen­tu­ry as a reac­tion to the rigid forms of clas­si­cal bal­let. It draws on ele­ments from various gen­res, such as modern, jazz, lyri­cal, and eth­nic dance, and allows dancers to explo­re their own crea­ti­vi­ty and emo­ti­ons through movement.

In our con­tem­po­ra­ry dance clas­ses, you will learn the basic tech­ni­ques of this style, such as ali­gnment, balan­ce, coor­di­na­ti­on, fle­xi­bi­li­ty, and strength. You will also deve­lop your musi­cal­i­ty, expres­si­on, and impro­vi­sa­ti­on skills. Our clas­ses are sui­ta­ble for all levels, from beg­in­ners to advan­ced dancers, and are taught by expe­ri­en­ced and pas­sio­na­te instructors.

Whe­ther you want to pur­sue con­tem­po­ra­ry dance as a hob­by or a care­er, you will find a sup­port­i­ve and inspi­ring envi­ron­ment at our stu­dio. You will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to per­form in show­ca­ses and com­pe­ti­ti­ons, as well as col­la­bo­ra­te with other dancers and artists. You will also bene­fit from our sta­­te-of-the-art faci­li­ties, inclu­ding spa­cious stu­di­os, mir­rors, sound sys­tems, and chan­ging rooms.

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